Intentional Goal Setting
As an Executive Assistant or Chief of Staff, your schedule is constantly running at a mock speed, supporting your CEO, not to mention your family and lastly yourself. Entering Q1 of a new year, many of you are awaiting your annual increase, a product of last year's goal setting process and annual review. With the amazing person you are, I know you have overachieved and received the highest scores possible, and will be rewarded appropriately.
By now, hopefully you have identified both your work and personal goals for the new year. Regardless of the case, I would like to propose that you revisit your goals and your year trajectory by the following:
Choose a theme -word for the year-
Choose a word that speaks to what you want your year to focus on. In the past I have used the year of “yes,” and growth. There are lists of words available online dedicated to this practice. Quickly view one and to pick one that catches your eye, or if you are more analytical, take a few minutes to review the list and determine which fits you this year.
Try to not overthink the process, trust the word you select is 100% correct and in alignment with how you need to frame the upcoming year. Write down your theme word and put it somewhere where you don’t forget it, and can subconsciously see it even if it is not visible.
Example: This year, I chose the word “Love”. How can love be an effective word of the year and possibly be leveraged in a professional goal-setting process, and why did I choose this word this year anyway? Based on the previous year, my word of the year was growth. I was in go mode-high growth, mock speed as many of you are familiar with. It served me well last year, but this year the lens I am choosing is working and affiliating my year through love.
Caring more, sharing more, taking time, putting more heart first with everything I encounter, including myself. Slowing down the hamster wheel. Looking at everything and everyone through the lens of my word of the year Love. Maybe a little corny, but it is what spoke to me and so I am going with it.
What I am finding is this is a grounding word and annual exercise helps guide my day. It is a quick check back to my annual focus, the anchor of my year.
Next, identify your goals through what I call the VIA method: Values, Intention, and Authenticity. To stay motivated in reaching anything in life, you need a passion for the purpose. If the purpose is connected to your values, your motivation is then supported by the goal being authentic to who you are, and you will set your goals with intention.
Think about the probability and excitement of reaching a goal you set that is 100% in alignment with your values, intention and authenticity. Who could possibly stop you from reaching it?
There are lists and exercises to identify your Values available online, Pick your top 5 values from the list. Write them down.
Next, identify your personal and professional goals for the upcoming year based upon your top 5 values. For example, a top value for you might be Family. What are your goals with and for your family? Holistically, consider both personal and professional areas of focus for each value and how it ties into your value. Manifest that it will happen and you will reach it.
Personal goals could include those in self-health, self care, finances, volunteering, giving back, Relationships, giving time, vacation, Career goals- a raise, a promotion, a new job, etc. etc. etc
Write them down. Keep writing down your goals and don’t overthink it. Complete this exercise until you have included several goals within your top 5 values.
With an exhaustive list, you might be best to trim down the list to those that will have the most impact in your life, and the life of those you care about. It is also important to look at the low hanging fruit on this list, as small accomplishments can be a morale booster, and help you get closer to the bigger picture goals.
How will you accomplish your goals?
Writing them down is key.
Studies have shown that if you write them down, you have a high percentage of likeliness in achieving them. 80-99% depending upon the study. From there periodically check in on your goals and see how you are doing.
I post my goals on my wall on a large pegboard next to my computer. I look at them every day. I also store them on my phone notes to review when I am on the go. Put some thought and action to your goals and check your goals list in December. You will be surprised at what you have discovered and accomplished!
As an Executive Assistant/COS, think about what you want to work on this year, and why.
EX: Obtain your Project Management Certification, look for a new job, elevate your role to a Chief of Staff, network with other EA/COS, mentor another Assistant, find a mentor, join a group, go back to school. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and be brave!
Is there new training needed? Consider the expectations of what you’d learn, monetary responsibility, time allocation to this task and the ROI for you and the company. Propose the ROI to your CEO, put it in your review as your goal, and be ready to reach your goal, elevate your career and life.
You might also want to look at setting general goals for yourself 5 or 10 years from now. There is a lot of life to live between now and then, and your top values may change slightly depending upon the season of your life as you grow and evolve and self discover. Give yourself the grace and the courage to authentically be you, and accept where you are in this season of life personally or professionally. Be fearless in your goal setting process as you have the courage, passion and motivation to reach your goals because they are tied to your values.
The big question is —
Are you ready to make this year the best year yet?
If so, spend the necessary time you deserve to identify your goals based on your values, be intentional and write them down. Whether the calendar says Jan 1 or July 1, it is never too late to take action and set your goals.
You deserve to live an authentic life, breaking into your personal greatness without apologies, fulfilling your hopes, dreams and aspirations for your future. You have one life to live so I challenge you to be fearless, and live your best life now!