6 Ways Executives and Their Assistants Can Establish Strong Communication
In my role as a recruiter I observe the relationship between executives and assistants from both sides. From my observations and experience, one of the biggest reasons relationships break down is the lack of communication. This would also be true for the EA/CEO partnership. Having an open and honest communication between EA and CEO is key to a successful partnership.
The following are six tips I advise to keep the partnership strong from day one:
Establish a vault of trust between the two that can never be broken from day one of working together, your loyalty is to your CEO first. Say it out loud and affirm it!
Establish a daily check in at minimum and or weekly meeting that can not be forgotten or minimized as less than high priority.
Communicate in the most convenient and accessible means, whether it be in person, email, text, video, or otherwise.
Understanding timing is everything. Know their internal clock-morning person vs mid-day, give your CEO 30 minutes in the morning to get started first, or meet immediately when they walk in the office, etc. Or situational including after a success, or unfortunate situation. Who do they want to talk to and when? CEO's be respectful.
EA-Be strong in your ability to provide feedback good, bad or indifferent. You are managing a very busy person, and regardless if they are listening or will listen, they will hear and store your words for future reference. CEOs, keep an open mind that your EA has your best interest and although you may not recognize or acknowledge their opinion as truth, thank them for their viewpoint and feedback. They want to feel valued, and able to talk freely with you.
EA-Under promise and over deliver-always. This way your CEO will know you will come through on every project, task or responsibility. You will be trusted to do your job without question. CEOs-keep your promises. And if you can't let your EA know why without them having to ask.
With a strong foundation, frequent scheduled check-ins, open and honesty, attention to promises made and promises kept, and a give-and-take communication platform, you will learn how to work together and move mountains at your company by elevating the CEO and allowing the EA to work their magic in the administrative role they were born to do!